Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mixed Feelings!

I’m happy, very happy that I have back access to the internet.
Since Wednesday evening my ISP finally did what I was hoping for already a month. Align their configuration with the one of the phone provider.

The mixed feeling is based my first 4 SNGs I played, since I’m back online.
I played 3 5 seater SNGs and 1 10 seater.
Miserable play. I’m capable of keeping my patience and suddenly I do the most absurd calls! I don’t know why. The result, 2 times not even a chance to getting close to the money.
The third SNG was much better but I was eliminated in 3rd place when I lost with my AK against a AA. The A in the flop killed me! Feeling to safe after the flop cause the other one in the play only checked!

The 10 seater SNG was as worse. Kicked out in 7th place.

I found a little bit surprising cause I have a lot of Poker articles lately.
The good thing is that I have set myself some goals!

Here they are:
Short term goals:
- STG1: Increasing my bankroll to 40$. Enough to be allowed to play 2$+0.5$ SNGs according to the SNG bankroll management Guidelines.
- STG2: SNGs 0.9$+0.1$ 5 seater. The intension is to end up 60% of the games ITM. This will be a though one. I will play 50 of them and then see if I reached this goal. The pay-out at the 5 seater is, the second gets 1,35$ and the winner gets 3,15$ of the stakes. The goal is to win at least 9 of them and come in second place at least 21 times. This will give me a profit of 6.7$.
- STG3: SNGs 0.9$+0.1$ 10 seater. The intension here is the end up 50% of the games ITM. Same measurement again. The conclusion will be taken after 50 games. The goals is to win at least 5, come in second place at least 5 times and end third in another 15 SNGs. This would give me profit of 13$. The ultimate goals here is 5 times first, 10 times second and 15 times third, which means a profit of around 17$.

Long Term goals:
- LTG1: to play at the final table of a MTT with at least 100 contenders. I will give myself until April next year for this goal. This cause I don’t play a lot of MTTs and if I play one of those it is a FreeRoll, which makes it harder to reach to final table. I have played a final table once before of a FreeRoll with 3224 participants.
- LTG2: A money long term goal. Before the end of the year I want to cash out 50$ without bringing my bankroll at that moment below 100$. Looks peanuts for some of you out there but don’t forget my current bankroll or my next deposit, which will be 25$. This means that without a deposit I have to increase my current bankroll with 141$ or after a deposit an extra 125$.

I think I have to fund my bankroll for the first time this year. Only 5,73$ left. Probably to small to reach one of the goals. Or it should be the Freeroll goal.
Only 3 games far in STG2 but if I continue like this. I will not even reach half the goal. To get it, I need to win 20% of the 5 seater SNGs and come in second in at least 45% of the SNGs. To reach to goal I have to get ITM already 63% of the SNGs I play.

Good Luck and see you at the tables!

1 reacties:

MrPink72 said...

Welcome back and things will turn around.

