Friday, August 31, 2007

A new challenge

Okay, August is almost over. No use in looking back if I made a profit or not. Cause I know the answer will be no!
So for me it is better to look into the future, hoping that I can report at the end of September that I made a profit.

Apparently I’m more a ring game player than a SNG or MTT player. So September will be a Ring Game month. It is hard to set any goals cause I wont be playing as much as I want to in September although I have 3 weeks of from work. We (my wife and I) are still discussing if we are going on a holiday or not. If we are going we are still discussing if it will be a 8 day or 10 day holiday. The only thing that is sure it that it is going to be a fly and drive to the south of Spain. If we are in Sevilla at the right time we probably will try to catch or a CL or a Primera Division game.
Besides that another goal for the month September is to finally start and finish with the coop. I have been postponing this for to long.

While I writing this post I was also reading the 50$ to 5K$ challenge on the Raise the River Forum. Yorkshire Pudding came up with the idea and was quickly followed by Cogsgoigne. Kenn121 threw in his own challenge, which will be the crown of the challenges. He is going for it and wants to turn his current 3200$ BR into an astonishing 10.000$ BR before we call the current name October! The strange thing is that I believe firmly in all 3 challenges. These guys play rock solid poker. Oke, they still have some leaks but I know if I see them sitting at a table I will run away.
So I added my own challenge to this thread. I cannot stay behind. While my challenge will be peanuts for some of you it is a monster for me. My plan is to turn my current BR of 34$ into 100$ before the month of October.

This will force me away from the comfortable 1c/2c tables and drives me to the level above. Woohoo the 2c/5c tables. Don’t underestimate this change! If I have for instance QQ and raise 5 times the BB and the board will be AK2 suited, it will cost me a lot more then the 10 cents now. There is a 15 cents difference, which is still a lot for me. But by playing the 2c/5c tables I have a big chance of finally clearing my 40$ bonus. Assuming that I can clear my bonus it should be easy, otherwise it will be very hard.

So, forget the Penny Poker Challenge and remember the 100$ October challenge.

Good luck at the tables,

1 reacties:

Rob1606 said...

Good luck! By the way, with QQ I would not raise to 5 times BB. The hand is so strong that you can afford to raise less, like 3 BB. Of course you need to be prepared to fold if there is an ace on the flop (kings are far less dangerous)...