Thursday, January 24, 2008

How much can a pokerroom hate you?

My luckI finished my first 50 SNGs on Titan.

So time for a recap. Yep, I made a profit of a fucking $5. That's a ROI of 1.82%.
As good as my start was, so bad was my run of my last 15 SNGs.
In total I won 5 SNGs, came in second in 3 others and just got ITM 11 times. Good for a ITM% of 38%.

Lets take a look at my last 15 SNGs where I won once, did not ended up in second place and ended 3 times in third place. Thats only 25% ITM.

So I came up with this explanation. Titan does not love me when my BR is above $100.
There isn't much difference between the play in the first 25 SNGs and the last. So the difference has to be somewhere else. I evaluated my last SNGs to look for leaks and in 3 or 4 SNGs I made stupid mistakes. But to give an example of today. I get into the bubble as chip leader and I tried 4 times to eliminate shorty. 2 times with better starting hands, 2 times with minor hands but got beaten 4 times and got eliminated in fourth place.

So Titan, fuck off!

Good luck at the tables,

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