Thursday, January 17, 2008

Staying on Titan and the 250 SNG challenge

I will not withdraw my complete BR from Titan. Why not? well, it has several reasons.

There are several reason not do this. Maybe the most important reason is cause I feel comfortable with playing on Titan, which is priceless.
I will still continue to play on Littlewoods but I will restrict my game there to the headhunters, RTR premier league games and cash tables. If I will start playing my SNGs there I will probably run into the pitfall that I will be playing to collect rakeback and probably start playing above my comfort zone and BR.

Why a new SNG challenge? Well this is simple. I’m playing now the $5 SNGs for around half a year. So it is time to create a challenge which will hopefully bring my BR to a level which allows me to play the next level ($10).
I tried some 10$ SNGs in the past with promising results. 4 attempt, 3 times ITM, 2 second places and one third. But my BR management does not allow me to step up yet. I need to
have at least 35 buy-in ($385) and should drop back to the 5$ SNGs when my BR drops down below 30 buy-ins ($330). Stepping back up again if my BR reaches 35 buy-ins again.

My banking plan for Titan makes the challenge even more challenging. My Titan banking plan has the following rules: I should withdraw at the end of each month a minimum
of $25 and a maximum of $50 if my BR is above $100. Can’t exactly explain why I’m setting myself this restriction but It was there since the first of January and I will stick to it. It is to soon to break a new year’s resolution.

This means that I need to make a profit of at least $443 during this challenge. So my initial targets have to be changed.

The original plan:
Expected results:
250 SNGs
25 wins (10%)
38 second places (15,2%)
50 third places (20%)
Profit: $320

The altered plan:
Expected results:
250 SNGs
30 wins (12%)
40 second places (16%)
50 third places (20%)
Profit: $445

Here are the rules I going to stick to:
- The deadline to finish this challenge is set at the end of April, cause in May the tennis season starts.
- Each session will start with multitabling 4 SNGs.
- I will not register for a new SNG after all 4 of them are finished and at least a 20 minutes break. This will result in maximum 8 SNGs during weekdays.
- I will not start a session when I have the feeling that I don't have enough time.
- Each week I will review my stats and decide if I have to decrease the number of SNGs I play simultaneously.

The challenge is finished when one of the following criteria is reached: (in random order)
- I have played 250 SNGs.
- The month May has started.
- My BR is above 400$.

Wish me luck!

3 reacties:

Rob1606 said...

Good luck!
Your BR requirements seem quite strict. As long as you plan to fall back when it goes badly, I would suggest to switch to $10 games when you have $200, and back to $5 when you drop below $150. But this goes against conventional wisdom...

The 80th Minute said...

I know myself it will be hard to step down again. So I will stick to original plan. Also my season of yesterday told me that I'm not ready yet. 9 SNGs and only 2 third places.
I hope that I'm just on the other side of variance.

Rob1606 said...

Makes sense, it can be very hard to switch down again. I know that I continued to play the $20 games for too long when things were not going well... Now I am back to playing $5 games.