Strange title if you consider that my blog was in hibernation but I decided to follow the week number of Outlook.
Well I mad a profit, period. A miserable one but a profit. Played 26 SNGs (only the 18 seater $1.50 turbo) and only managed to cash in 6 out them. Luckily 3 of those were wins. The other 3 dived over 2, 3 and 4 place.
Giving me a ROI of only 9.74% and a profit of $3.8.
I'm happy with the 3 wins but disappointed with the ITM%, which is only 23%. The aim is around 30%.
I do have the feeling that I did play a little bit to much. I should try to stick to 4 each evening.
Overall I'm not at a ROI of 23.93%, a profit of $19.74 and a ITM % of 27,27. But this is with only 55 SNGs. So way to early to make conclusion.
Due to the transfer of my Full Tilt account (had to do this cause Full Tilt is not legal in Belgium, while Stars is) my FPP increase to above 600. So halve way there.
@dD: Thx for the warm welcome back!
Cu next time,
7 years ago
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