Monday, January 15, 2007

Started again

Hi all,

Since a week I'm playing Poker again with good results.
First of all I started with reading a book, while it had nothing much new things in it it was still good to read it. You look at your cards at a different way.

Friday evening I played 3 SNG tournaments. All 3 of them with a 2.20€ deposit. 2 SNGs where Texas Holdem NL and one was Omaha (a mistake). I won one and became second in the Holdem and was 4th on the Omaha.

So if you want to start increasing your Poker playing capabilities reading a book won't hurt.

I started this year with a deposit of 5$. When my bankroll hit 13.20$, I banked my intial 5$. So I'm palying with free money at the moment. Let's see how long it will take before I have to deposit again.


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