Friday, February 16, 2007

Why would you not accept our free 50$?????

I have to admit, I'm always reserved when I see site who promose 50$ for free. But I tried it myself and it actually works. It takes around 2 days and 1 10 sec phone call to the US and within 4 days, your account will be credited with 50$. This is really free poker money with no strings attached.

First I had to get used to the interface, but once you are used to it, it plays very fine.

Now your question is: I already have a poker account at a room, why create a second one?
Why shouldn't you. It is always better to have your bankroll divided over a few pokerrooms. Also the playstiles differ a lot for room to room. Suppose that you are playing very well at room X it will not guarantee that it will be the same on Y. Also it gives you the chance the play against more different playing styles, you can profit from more bonusses and last but not least, you can play the a lot more freerolls.

Give it a try at:
$50 Free No Deposit Titan Poker Accounts at

Not something about my poker progress or the lack of it!!
Since my lost post I lost 32$!!! Luckely this was from the free money from the link above!
But yesterday, it was a complete nigthmare. When being in a bad streak you start to count things.
Here my surprising stats from yesterday.
Lost 3 times with American Airlines (twice against a double pair and once against a three of a kind)
Lost 15 times on the river, while only won once thx to the river.
Lost 4 times with double pair, without a pair on table, against three-of-a-kind.

My bankroll at the moment is at: 18,32$

Maybe time for a break,

2 reacties:

Unknown said...

It worked for me, but I almost wasted it all :-) 2$ left...

DuggleBogey said...

Go to my blog and get the free $100 at Party Poker or Absolute Poker if you haven't played at those sites yet.