Monday, July 23, 2007

First set of 20 finished

I finished my first set of 20 SNGs in the chase of my deposit bonus!
The results are disappointing. A loss of 13.40$. Only 3 times ITM, meaning 15%. Luckely I won one, which minimizes the loss.

Below all my results of the first set.
Also started with my second set. 2 SNGs far. Won once, the other one resulted in a 7th place.

Will not be playing on Ultimate tonight. Pretty tired and I decided to only play when I'm fit.

Yesterday we had a birthday party at home for my wife. So, did not play a lot. One session on the real table combined with a one SNG. Won the SNG and had a micro profit on the money table. Still have to play 281 hands!

Still need 176 FPP on Stars but I don't believe that I free that money.


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