Saturday, December 29, 2007

Looking back at 2007: part 1

Why in 2 parts? Thats simple. I finished playing on all rooms beside 1 (Titan Poker).

I started with this blog this year to cover all my bad beats and glorious moments within online poker never thinking that it was possible to make online mates. Thx for all the support during the though times and all the advice when I posted again a (in my eyes) bad beat. You guys made me a better poker player.

Also I discovered the wonderful poker forum Raise the River. These guys started almost the same time and created a nice poker community full of advice and banter. Good luck next year guys!

Besides starting this blog I also started my own poker Bloglisting: The amateur Poker Bloglisting. At the moment there are already 83 quality Poker blogs listed, if not already on there, It is not to late. Add your blog and give it the exposure it deserves.

Now the moment where you all have been waiting for. My poker results of 2007 (except Titan poker).

Most of 2007 I played on Pokerstars, if I should believe all reviews about this site one of the toughest of them all. For sure one of the biggest. I'm very proud that I walked away as a winner from PokerStars. An astonishing profit of $53.07. Also my biggest achievement happened on Pokerstars: I won Bloggerment 19. My only MTT win of the year :(.
While I really like the site, I have no BR on it anymore. It was time to move on.

After PokerStars Ultimate was the next stop and again I walked away as a winner. Here no glories moment just a profit of $20. While making a profit I really don't like this room. I will only return if they give me some free money.

Littlewoods is the first PokerRoom where I did open an account with a rakeback deal. A nice 38% rakeback deal. On littlewoods I decided to only play cash games. But things are not running well. Mainly cause I was chasing my deposit bonus. Because of this I played above my limit which resulted in a loss of 100$. The positive side of things is is that my cash game is improving and that I did clear my 25GBP in deposit bonuses. I expect that around 10$ will be refunded as rakeback in the beginning of January. At the moment my BR there is $62.14 add to that the RB and voila you have my cash game BR for next year. In 2008 I will only play cash games on Littlewoods not on any other room. The ultimate goal is to recover my losses.

My biggest Poker mistakes in 2007:
- Using no deposit bonuses!
- Chasing deposit bonuses and due to this playing above my BR!

I guess that part 2 (The Titan part) will come online at the 31th of December. In that post I will also explain my goals for next year.

The best wishes for 2008!

2 reacties:

Anonymous said...

Hi Remember,

I saw you playing again on the Cryptologic Network. Saw you playing on $0.25/$0.50 and you got lucky with A10 vs AK so that was nice. I recommend you play more tables at once on a lower limit every night for an hour and you will clear $100 easy (start on the 1th of the month lol) I'm doing this for 2.5 month now and i cleared some nice bonusses. ($600 total)
You played allright in my opinion, maybe try to steel a bit more in position.
SunPoker got a very good deal too and they are also a memeber of the Cryptologic Network. Be nice and use this link ;)

Groeten en een gezond, gelukkig en succesvol 2008

Anonymous said...

Good luck for the year 2008.
I always play Online Casino, Online Gambling and looking for a great winnings.