Wednesday, January 09, 2008

4 SNGs at the same time: For the first time

SNG VictoryBecause I recovered all my losses on the $0.03/$0.06 from this and last year it was time for some real excitement. I granted myself to play 4 SNGs simultaneously. So I registered for the first 4 10 seater 5$ SNGs on Titan after 7 p.m..
The idea came during lunch today, probably cause I watched a training vid yesterday where one of the Pros did the same. Needless to say that the stakes there were at a complete different level. I was confident cause normally my ITM% is around 50%. Meaning that if I could achieve this figure, my maximum loss would be $2. But

The first one started @ 19:07, the second @ 19:10, the third on 19:13 and the fourth @ 16:16.
I promised myself that I would play very tight in the beginning of the SNG and get more and more aggressive near the bubble and it PAID OF big time.

First I got eliminated from the second SNG(33 hands), ending in 7th place. Where did it go wrong? Lost a first big pot, when my double pairs ran into a 3-of-a-kind leaving my behind with only 590 chips. I managed to build up my BR again to 1200 when I lost a race against 77. Had to push here, was getting the right odds and the blinds were starting to hurt my stack.

Than I made one of the most stupid mistake at SNG 1. Mainly cause I was multitabling. During hand 32 I doubled up with pocket pair of Aces. So I for sure wasn't under any pressure. But my good feeling was over when I thought that I had pocket 8s in late position but after my push it appeared to be only 68 off suited. Was furious on myself when the BB called with KQ. No rescue on the board and out in sixth place.

In the mean while everything was running smoothly in SNG 4 (86 hands). Just like in SNG 1, I doubled up way before the blinds would force me into decisions I didn't like (hand 21). My A9 allin-post flop was no competitor for the QQ the vilan was holding (strange call from him, cause it was the only the first pot I contested). Got lucky in hand 37, where I did hit on of my 17 outs on the river. After the flop I called an all-in with A9 of spades and 2 spades on the flop. The result a massive chip lead. After that I started to play very aggressive, bullying the tables as much as I could. The HU started at hand 74. Had a 5k chip lead. I lost my chip lead when I was forced to fold on a nice raise of the villan. But I link to think that it was a good lay down. After the lay down the chip be equally divided while If I pushed I was way behind. In hand 82 I crippled him with Q7 vs QK. Second time lucky in this SNG (Just a reminder for myself. I sometimes do get lucky in SNGs!!!!). I finished it off in style with JJ.

So all the pressure was gone now, I was assured of at least a profit of $3. So I could finish without any pressure my third SNG (95 hands). I won a first small pot in hand 44 where the SB went all-in and I only had to call $20. My A4 was good enough, lifting my stack to 2000 chips. In hand 48 I got QQ in late position. So I pushed and got called by the BB with 99. No help for him. And again a nice stack. In hand 80 I saw pocket Js. So again a push. Only 3 players left so already ITM. The BB called with A7s but again no rescue for him. After this one played major short stacked and 2 players with almost the same stack. I eliminated him in the next hand when he went all-in in the SB and I called the $630 raise with 45s. And again I was lucky (Reminder number 2, please refer me to this post again when I start moaning again about no luck in the SNGs this month (45s against KQo)). The 5 on the flop meant game over for him. So the HU started in hand 82. And my luck wasn't over yet. In hand 89 I took almost all chips when I called his allin with A4s. Still no luck at the turn, but I did hit my 3 outer on the River. And the luck was not all over yet. In the last hand I went all-in trying to put him under pressure with K7s. With the reminder that I could win the pot or that he would fold but he called with QQ. The flop was A47, the turn gave an 8 and the RIVER gave a fucking beautiful K.

So a back to back victory and a profit of $28, lifting my BR again above $100. Woohoo.
My SNG stats this year at Titan are looking great. 16 played, a profit of $48, ROI: 53% and 50% ITM. 3 victories, 2 times silver and 2 times bronze.

Good luck at the tables,

6 reacties:

SG - King of the forum ban said...

Hi Dre, many thanks for the link and the kind comments, much obliged. I see you've had a great start to 2008, excellent stuff, well done. Fingers crossed it continues!! I've joined raise the via the link on your blog, I look forward to chatting with you on there.
Best wishes,

Rob1606 said...

Great story! Loved to read it.

I didn't understand this line though: "My A9 allin-post flop was no competitor for the QQ the vilan was holding (strange call from him, cause it was the only the first pot I contested)." Did you mean that YOU had QQ?

Oh, and don't call all-ins with A4 :-) In fact, don't call anything with A4...

The 80th Minute said...

Nope, the A9 was mine. The flop had an A. I just went all-in hoping that somebody would call and he did.

Rob1606 said...

Oh I see, yes you did write it was postflop of course. I was just confused...

SG - King of the forum ban said...

Thanks for the tip off Dre, much appreciated. I must admit I thought it was touch and go when I read their t+c's, however I thought I'd get away with it as it's an account of doing some gambling, as opposed to an actual gambling site. It appears I was wrong!! Cheers for the advice, I'll check it out now.

SG - King of the forum ban said...

Wow, sneaky sneaky!! I've just read and copied your post, I'll pass it on to Chal (call of Wildcat) and Pandybear, who both have Google Ads running too.
Thanks again,
All the very best,